Icelandic Chickens
íslenska hænan

Icelandic Chickens, also known as Viking Chickens or Icies, are a Landrace breed.  

(What does landrace  mean?  A local variety of a species of plant or animal that has distinctive characteristics arising from development and adaptation over time to conditions of a localized geographic region and that typically displays greater genetic diversity than types subjected to formal breeding practices - Merriam-Webster)

The Viking Chickens are 79% genetically different from the modern chicken.  They were isolated in Iceland for over 1000 years and kept by the Vikings.

Icelandic Chickens are a hardy breed and consistent layers even through the winter and they have excellent broodiness.  They prefer to forage rather than eat grain, even venturing out in the snowy weather with their chicks to do so.

On top of all this they display a dazzling array of colours and combs, making them a joy to behold!

Compared to modern breeds of egg layers or meat chickens they do not compete - being more moderate on both fronts.  But here at Northern Viking Farm it is the only breed of chicken we keep.
As well, these Viking Chickens can fly, which is an added bonus for our rural farm, as predators do come around regularly.  Where flightless birds would fall to prey - our Icies fly to safety every time.

There have been several imports of Icelandic Chickens into North America since the 1970's.  As there is no standard registration system to document purebred birds, it is all the more important for those who keep these birds to do their part in preserving this genetic treasure.

We ensure the purity of our stock by only keeping Icelandic Chickens.  As well, we keep a variety of roosters and hen groups to ensure genetic diversity.

For those interested in Best Practices for genetic diversity in chickens -  The clan mating system is well worth considering.

Viking Rooster on Patrol

Viking Hen with Chicks

Grey Hen

Speckled Golden Hen

Rooster in the snow

A Rooster Gathering

If you are interested in purchasing Icelandic Chickens please see our Breeding Stock Page.