Icelandic Wool
Íslensk ull
Icelandic wool consists of The Tog and The Thel. The tog is the coarse, strong, water resistant long outer layer of the fleece. The thel is the soft, fine, shorter, insulating under coat.
These fibers can be separated and spun separately, or kept together and spun into a lopi yarn.
Here at Northern Viking Farm, we shear the sheep twice a year, in the fall and spring. Throughout the summer, as time allows, we wash and dry the wool in preparation for picking, carding and spinning, which invariably happens in the slower, darker months of winter.
Icelandic wool is often referred to as a Hand Spinners Dream due to the length and versatility of the fiber and the wide array of naturally occurring colours.
It is hard to find a better wool for a great overall fiber experience whether for felting or spinning.
The first shearing from lambs is particularly sought after.
At Northern Viking Farm, we are all about the hands-on experience.
We shear the sheep ourselves.
We wash, pick, card, and spin the wool by hand.
In the late summer, as the lambs grow, we choose the lambs with the best qualities to either keep for ourselves, to increase our herd numbers, or to sell as breeding stock to fill orders on our waitlist. The cull animals are processed for meat - and as a way to honour their lives we strive to use all parts of the animals; skulls, skins and bones.
Washing Wool
Lamb fleeces drying in the summer sun
Carded lamb fleece
Kathryn processing wool
Wool on the carder
A roving ready for spinnning
Spinning wheel
Wool on the spindle
Double treadle spinning wheel
Yarn and Roving
The Wool Picker
Pelts Drying
Icelandic Skull
We are currently offering Roving, Lopi Yarn and Felting Wool in a variety of Natural Colours.
Please see our Product Page for details.